Eastern Mass 
F2D Combat


APRIL 10, 2016- HALIFAX, MA – The weather was quite cold in the morning however by mid-day temperatures had climbed in excess of ten points topping out near fifty degrees. The sun was warm and the winds diminished as the day wore on. This contest, although very much a competition, was also serving as a tune-up for Greg Wornell and Alex Prokofiev, who will be competing in the World Championships in Perth, Australia this May. Alex also brought Igor Dimentiev with him. So here’s the situation, two of the best in the world plus a member of the USA team all flying at a very high level plus three hacks from New England trying to shake off lots of winter rust. It wasn’t pretty. Brian Stas and Neill Simpson quickly went 0-2 while Paul Kubek put up a little fight forcing two re-flys before also slipping to 0-2. This meet was originally planned as double elimination however at the end of round two since three of us were already eliminated and there was quite a bit of day left, it was suggested we switch to triple elimination. Paul and Neil realized they were out gunned and declined while Brian, a bit of a slow learner, decided he could stage a comeback. One flight later he was sent packing. For those of you who don’t know, Alex and Igor are tremendous talents and our own Greg Wornell, who had put in some serious handle time over the winter, was flying great, as well. In round five Alex suffered his third loss in a tremendous match with Igor where he actually got one more cut (four cuts to three) however lost the match on downtime. At that point only two flyers were left. Greg was sitting at 4-1 and Igor at 5-0. It was decided, amongst the two of them, that they would fly just once to determine the contest winner. Greg got an early cut and then a collision, since we were flying single airplane rules, put an end to the match and Greg got the contest win as a result. 

Thank you to Alex and Igor for making the long drive making this contest better through their participation. 

Eastern Mass Invitational
F2D Combat (6 contestants)
April 10, 2016

Greg Wornell5-1
Igor Dimentiev5-1
Alex Prokofiev2-3
Brian Stas0-3
Paul Kubek0-2
Neil Simpson0-2

The top three were Greg Wornell (1st), Igor Dimentiev (2nd) and Alex Prokofiev (3rd)

photos courtesy of Paul Kubek